Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mi Poesia/ My Poetry

Un muro, construido por ansiedad y temor;
edificando unos ladrillos con rechazo y pérdida.
Reforzado, este muro, mezclando el mortero con las lagrimas
que se protege de todos los ataques.
Custodia al corazón de la ponzoña de la muerte:
la desaparición triste y amarga, de soltura y sueños.
Inseguridad e incertidumbre disimulada expertamente por un exterior impecable
que desvía de la realidad de sufrir.
Una pared destacada que ha creado una fachada de certeza y autosuficiencia,
Una barrera que oculta la paranoia y la falta de confianza en sí mismo
y provee refugio a un malestar agobiante.
Levantado debida a la necesidad, el poder magnifico, ahora implacable,
reprimiendo deseos nuevos que está al acecho, llorando por libertad,
atreviéndose a escalar sobre la estructura masiva y rígida.
El motivo había servido como un santuario
por la vida que era acosada por temer, flaqueza, y profunda pena;
el poder ineludible lisia el crecimiento
de la vida misma que fue construido a resguardar.

I wall myself in with the fear I feel
building bricks out of rejection and loss.
I strengthen this wall mixing mortar with tears
Fortified and stable, it protects me from potential devastation and costs.
I guard my heart from the sting of death;
the unrestrained dissolution of confidence and dreams.
Uncertainty and apprehension, I expertly disguise with a perfect exterior
that deflects attention from an excruciating reality.
A striking wall that creates a façade of assuredness and self-reliance,
A barrier which conceals my paranoia and self-doubt
and gives shelter to an oppressive malaise.
While once erected out of necessity,
its magnificent power is now unyielding
to new aspirations that whisper inside.
Striving to be liberated from the confines of this encumbrance,
clamoring to venture beyond the restrictive structure,
whose purpose has served well in harboring my weakness, fear, pain and insecurity.
Having smothered the meager seeds of courage sown
and suffocated them with its constraints;
their growth is paralyzed by its relentless force.
This wall, this rogue mechanism of defense,
attempts to strip their potential and render them barren.
It camouflages my anguish but restrains my increasing passion,
it conceals my anxiety but impedes any forward progression.
A plethora of emotions, shrouded by veiled pretense,
surrenders to this imposing divider which torments and violates my soul.
Despite all, an unlikely blossom sprouts from a lone defiant seed
and fights against the impenetrable wall that cages me inside this asylum.

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